Kalakar House

Top 10 Hyderabad Fashion Icons: Style Inspirations and Trends

1.Meenakshi Pamnani :@theshimmergirl 

   Followers :209K

   Instagram :

Intro :Meenakshi Pamnani tops the fashion blogger list in Hyderabad with her blingy, pink-themed style. Her Instagram oozes fashion inspiration, while her blog offers the latest trends and product recommendations. Don’t miss her “shimmer tales”!

2.Khushi Dahiya :@kdxhiya

   Followers :12.8K

   Instagram :

Intro :@Kdxhiya’s Instagram profile showcases the life and interests of a person named Kdxhiya. From the looks of it, she seems to be a multifaceted individual who shares moments from her daily life, interests, and possibly her creative endeavors. Her profile might feature a mix of personal photos, hobbies, and possibly some inspirational content.

3.Jahnavi Dasetty :@mahathalli

   Followers :898K 

   Instagram :

Intro :Jahnavi Dasetty, a blogger based in Hyderabad, shares her passions for dogs, films, food, wellness, fashion, travel, and sunshine on her personal blog.

4.Bugatha Venkata Sai Ganesh :@thefashionvergeofficial

   Followers :373K

   Instagram :

Intro :Bugatha Venkata Sai Ganesh, a digital creator based in Hyderabad, is known for his YouTube channel “The Fashion Verge” and as the founder of @tones_fashion. He collaborates with for PR.

5.Sahithi Anshu :@itssahithianshu

   Followers :205K

   Instagram :

Intro :Sahithi Anshu is the founder of @ahtiboutique and shares insights into fashion, lifestyle, and travel on her personal blog.

6.Rasool Prince :@rasoolprince_1

    Followers :183K

    Instagram :

Intro :Rasool Prince, a public figure based in NLR – HYD, shines in the realms of fashion, lifestyle, and video creation.

7.Nikki :@swanky_girl_nikki

   Followers :156K

   Instagram :

Intro :πŸ’‹Ι³ΞΉΖ™Ζ™ΞΉπŸ‘‘πŸ”₯ is a multi-talented individual, serving as a software developer, influencer, and fashion enthusiast.

8.Sahithi :@its_sahithi_anshu

   Followers :135K

   Instagram :

Intro :Sahithi, a model with a passion for fashion, lifestyle, and travel.

9.Maanyatas Mania :@maanyata_patnam

    Followers :115K

   Instagram :

Intro :Maanyatas Mania🌟 is a video creator and budding model with a passion for fashion.

10.π•πžπ§π€πšπ­πšπ¬πšπ’ :@saivenky__07

       Followers :111K

        Instagram :

Intro : π•πžπ§π€πšπ­πšπ¬πšπ’, a video creator known for his fashion sense and stylish lifestyle.

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