1. Jithin Sethumadhavan (@jithinofficial):
- Followers: 347K
- Description: Tech YouTuber known for his gadget reviews, unboxing videos, and tech discussions.
- Instagram Handle: https://www.instagram.com/jithinsethumadhavan/
2. Techno Ruhez (@tecnoruhz):
- Followers: 842K
- Description: Tech influencer and blogger known for his smartphone reviews, comparisons, and tech news updates.
- Instagram Handle: https://www.instagram.com/technoruhez/
3. Ur Smart Maker (@ursmartmaker):
- Followers: 169K
- Description: Tech channel focused on DIY projects, tutorials, and tech hacks.
- Instagram Handle: https://www.instagram.com/ursmartmaker/
4. All About Technologies (@allabouttechnologies_):
- Followers: 195K
- Description: Tech blog and social media channel covering a wide range of tech topics, from gadgets to software.
- Instagram Handle: https://www.instagram.com/allabouttechnologies_/
5. Tech Unboxing (@techunboxing_):
- Followers: 1.2M
- Description: Tech channel known for its in-depth gadget reviews, comparisons, and tech insights.
- Instagram Handle: https://www.instagram.com/techunboxing_/
6. Ur Indian Consumer (@urindianconsumer):
- Followers: 222K
- Description: Tech channel focused on consumer electronics reviews, comparisons, and price analysis.
- Instagram Handle: https://www.instagram.com/urindianconsumer/
7. Sanjay Mehta (@gadgetsguru_):
- Followers: 72.4K
- Description: Tech blogger and reviewer known for his insights on gadgets, smartphones, and consumer electronics.
- Instagram Handle: https://www.instagram.com/gadgetsguru_/
8. Mumbai Tech (@mumbai_tech):
- Followers: 78.8K
- Description: Instagram page showcasing the Mumbai tech scene, startups, and events.
- Instagram Handle: https://www.instagram.com/mumbai_tech/
9. Amit Bhawani (@amitbhawani):
- Followers: 50.6K
- Description: Tech entrepreneur and investor focusing on the Indian startup ecosystem.
- Instagram Handle: https://www.instagram.com/amitbhawani/
10. Deepika Shetty (@deepikasshetty):
- Followers: 30.1K
- Description: Tech journalist and writer focusing on the intersection of technology and society.
- Instagram Handle: https://www.instagram.com/deepikasshetty/